Accufit in Portland, OR

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What Is Accufit?

Accufit by Lutronic is an FDA-approved electrical muscle stimulation device used at FitSkin Laser & Med Spa that can target and stimulate several muscle groups, including the core, glutes, legs, and arms. Precisely controlled energy flows through the muscles through attached electrodes. The Accufit system is computer-controlled and includes four distinct movement waveforms: twist, hold, grip, and tap. These motions help manipulate the muscles in productive ways that simulate a complete workout. Accufit stands apart from other muscle stimulation and body sculpting platforms, which typically only produce one-dimensional waves. The system also helps reduce discomfort and strain from daily activities. If you are interested in seeing how Accufit can help you achieve your desired definition, get in touch with our team in Portland, OR and set up a consultation.

How Do Accufit Treatments Work?

You can take body sculpting and the traditional workout to the next level with Accufit. Before the treatment begins, our team will place the rectangular electrodes on your desired treatment area. When the muscle stimulation process starts, the Accufit platform will work through a four-cycle program to sculpt the target areas effectively. During the treatment, you'll feel your muscles contract more and more — like an intensive workout — but you shouldn’t feel any pain. Accufit sessions at FitSkin Laser & Med Spa typically last between 30 – 60 minutes. While you should notice excellent results after your second session, our Portland, OR team recommends four treatments over 2 – 4 weeks for optimal results.

I have had micro needling in the past and each time it was very painful. I had zero pain with RF micro needling with Jackie. I was amazed! I highly recommend her service and will see her again when I’m back in Portland.

P.R. Google

Jackie is wonderful! You’re in great hands, literally! I noticed great results after my first procedure and will definitely be going back. Thank you Jackie!

L.P. Google

Jackpot with Jackie! I literally feel like I won the lottery by finding Jackie to work with regarding my skincare concerns. I did a Clear Lift and Vivace Microneedling treatment and my face is glowing. I have had numerous compliments from friends, and I can truly notice the results, especially fading of dark spots and a reduction in fine lines. Before I even came in to the office, she spent an hour answering questions and talking through specific concerns over the phone during a consultation which can be booked for free on her website. I found Jackie to be extremely knowledgable about effective skincare treatments and products. She uses up-to-date technological treatments and has invested in using the most advanced lasers and devices in her practice. It's a bonus that Jackie has a medical background and it really shows with her scientific knowledge of the face/skin and how to treat it. She has a wonderful personality and will make you feel comfortable no matter what your background or treatment concerns. Go treat yourself and book a session with Jackie! Could not recommend her more!

A.O. Google

I have had the pleasure of working professionally with Jackie and I am now her client. The environment fun, comfortable, and safe. As a rookie in skin care myself, Jackie explained the mechanisms of action for the laser technology and is both efficient and skilled. I highly recommend and I will continue to go back.

J.B. Google

I have had the pleasure of working professionally with Jackie and I am now her client. The environment fun, comfortable, and safe. As a rookie in skin care myself, Jackie explained the mechanisms of action for the laser technology and is both efficient and skilled. I highly recommend and I will continue to go back.

J.B. Google


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Obtain A More Sculpted Physique

Are you tired of not seeing the results you want from your diet and exercise routine? Accufit at FitSkin Laser & Med Spa may be the solution you've been searching for. This body sculpting treatment can give you the chiseled, fit look you desire without spending hours upon hours in the gym. Join our many satisfied patients and schedule a consultation at our Portland, OR facility today.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.